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Nou de Valldaura 19-21 - 08241 Manresa
93 872 84 00
A més, els alumnes de secundària de l'escola tenen la possibilitat de participar en el programa del batxillerat dual americà d’Academica (Diploma Dual), que els permet obtenir l’American High School Diploma i els obre les portes a accedir a les universitats dels Estats Units.
FEDAC Manresa offers our students the chance to obtain two degrees at the same time when they finish high school, i.e. the qualification of our Batxillerat and the American High Diploma. The latter is recognized in all US states and all universities in the world.
Why enrolling in this programme?
There are mainly three advantages: Language and personal immersion, altogether with the use of new technologies. These translate into improving notably their language skills, becoming more autonomous and independent and obviously more skilful when facing new challenges.
How does it work?
Students must only take 6 more subjects to obtain the American qualification and recognition. Classes are online and students can work after school hours or during the weekend to fulfil the contents of those. It is not excessively demanding since devoting between 3 and 5 hours per week, our students are able to follow the course successfully.
The Dual Diploma can be started in 2nd ESO, 3rd ESO, 4th ESO or 1st Baccalaureate. The earlier you start, the lower the teaching load during the baccalaureate. Consequently, you can either study 1, 2 or 3 subjects per year.
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